Influencer Marketing

Mehr Engagement & Community-Bindung: Das verspricht die Influencer Kryptowährung von indaHash + Interview mit CEO Barbara Soltysinska

Was haben Kryptowährungen mit Influencer Marketing zu tun? Was steckt dahinter und warum geht es vielleicht  um mehr, als zwei Trendthemen miteinander zu kombinieren?

Bildquelle Flickr: Fotograf nicolicreer „coins“ (CC BY 2.0)

Wer profitiert beim Influencer Marketing von einer Kryptowährung?

Die Influencer Plattform indaHash hat letzte Woche ihre eigene Kryptowährung angekündigt und in der Branche durchaus für Aufsehen gesorgt. Ich fand den Ansatz spannend, konnte mit aber nicht direkt eine Meinung dazu bilden. Wer profitiert von der Kryptowährung? Indahash, Unternehmen, die Influencer, oder vielleicht sogar die Follower?

Barbara Soltysinska ist CEO von indahash und hat uns ein paar Fragen zu den indahash coins beantwortet.

INREACH - Influencer Marketing Konferenz Berlin 2017

In der Ankündigung tauchten verschiedene Ideen, Möglichkeiten und Ansätze auf, die für alle Beteiligten Einfluss haben könnten. Nicht nur können Influencer eigene personalisierte Coins erstellen, auch Follower von Influencern können durch ihr Engagement von der Kryptowährung profitieren und sich beispielsweise Merchandise sichern.

Interview mit Barbara Soltysinska von indaHash

Pay with fame: „What is influencer fame for you and how will this effect the new indaHash coins?“

For us, we believe that if you have an engaged audience, you have influence, which makes you an influencer. We work with micro and mid-tier influencers because they have the highest engagement rates and their content is more authentic compared to the big celebrity influencers. With our Pay-With-Fame feature influencers will have the possibility of exchanging their earned indaHash Coins for a variety of different offers from brands. For example, influencers will receive early access to limited edition products, as well as events and exclusive workshops.

[Tweet „If you have an engaged audience, you have influence, which makes you an influencer.“]

The new feature will change the way brands work with influencers by allowing influencers to receive exclusive discounts on products and services they wouldn’t normally receive. Brands will also benefit from this feature by receiving authentic reviews from desirable trendsetters.

Product reviews & service reviews: „Could you give some examples of those reviews and have you tested indaHash coin with this cases?“

We have not tested indaHash Coin as we will enable this feature in our app in 2018. Our Pre-ICO starts on Nov 8th, so that’s when things will start to kick off.

„How do you calculate the indaHash score and will the usage of indaHash coins have an impact?“ (Higher score for influencers who use the coins)

Yes, the amount of indaHash Coins to pay drops with the rise of indaHash Score. The more qualitative influencer with the community involved, the less indaHash Coins has to be spent in exchange with the brand, and consequently, the larger discount the influencer gets. For example, a gamer can get a significant discount on a game and not have to contact the company directly, but only through the ecommerce widget in an automated way.

indaHash Score is built on the basis of the activity and the dynamics of changes of the owners of various influencer tokens in the individual reach and subject categories. The score is determined directly from the algorithm that values rates for branded posts and present the actual opinion-forming power of each influencer.

Own coins for Influencers: „Why should influencers create their own coins and are own coins available for all influencers? Do they make sense for all influencers?“ (or only for influencers with a huge follower numbers)

When you’re an influencer, your audience engagement is everything. The more engaged you are, the more brands will want to work with you. Engagement is more important than the number of followers you have in most cases. And up until now, influencers were very limited in possibilities for rewarding their loyal followers.

[Tweet „When you’re an influencer, your audience engagement is everything.“]

So, for influencers that want to increase their engagement and reach more of their followers in a more personal way, creating their own tokens makes sense for them. To issue tokens, influencers have to have a certain number of indaHash Coins through their activity on the app or a purchase. A certain group of the most valuable indaHash influencers will receive the required amount of indaHash Coins which they can only spend on creating their own cryptocurrency.

Influencers can reward followers with coins: How can influencers support their own followers and how will this engagement be valuable? How can interactions only for coins be reduced?“

When influencers create their own tokens, they can use them to increase their audience engagement by rewards and gamification with their followers. Followers can use collected tokens and exchange them for exclusive actions set by the influencer for their community. For example, customized prizes personalized by the influencer, one on one meetings and other social activities.

Influencer Marketing trifft auf Kryptowährung - indaHash Coins

Taking into consideration that many influencers have tens of thousands of followers, managing these relationships is significantly hindered and requires dedicated solutions. There has been no commonly used tool available on the market that would simplify the the creation of loyalty among audience and enable is regular, not ad hoc rewarding. In this case, followers have many benefits such as the ability to build personal relationships with influencers, receive valuable goods and be a part of the influencer ecosystem through technology.

Danke für das Interview Barbara!

Die Einstellung von indaHash zum Thema Follower, Reichweite und Engagement gefällt mir gut. Ob jetzt kleinere Influencer wirklich authentischere Inhalte erstellen als Social Media Stars, ist sicher von Fall zu Fall abhängig.

Mehr Engagement durch eigene Influencer Coins

Der Gamification Ansatz könnte sich für viele Influencer bezahlt machen und die Interaktionen nochmals steigern. Bei solchen Mechaniken muss man aber auch immer aufpassen. Denn wenn nur noch mit Inhalten interagiert wird, damit man sich die nächste „Prämie“ sichern kann, dann mag der Inhalt authentisch sein, dass Engagement jedoch nicht.

indaHash bringt mit seiner eigenen Kryptowährung definitiv frischen Wind in die Landschaft der Influencer Plattformen. Natürlich geht es auch um die Bezahlung für indasHash, aber die mit den Coins verknüpften Mechaniken, Möglichkeiten für Influencer und der Gamificationansatz bieten für alle Beteiligten Vorteile. Wie groß sie wirklich sind, werden wir dann in 2018 sehen, wenn die indaHash Coins offiziell starten und alle Features genutzt werden können.

Blogger in Charge bei Futurebiz, Speaker, Autor und Senior Digital & Social Media Berater bei der Agentur BRANDPUNKT. Jan Firsching berät Marken und Unternehmen bei der Entwicklung von digitalen und Social Media Strategien. Zu Futurebiz Consulting Blogger in charge at Futurebiz. Speaker, author and senior digital & social media consultant at the BRANDPUNKT agency. Jan Firsching advises brands and companies on the development and implementation of digital and social media strategies.

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